Power & Society

Policies (all that hard-nosed, unpleasant stuff)


Course Negotiation – I am happy to negotiate a course contract with any student.  Naturally, this syllabus will be my starting point in our discussion.  While I am happy to keep contracts open for forward-looking renegotiations, I am not open to retroactive renegotiations, for example, I won’t renegotiate a due date that has already passed. 


Attendance – (this applies to field trips as well as regular classes) There is no explicit attendance policy, but I should point out that one day’s worth of Reading Quiz and Discussion Participation points account for  of your course grade.  So, missing one day would effectively drop your grade by 1/3rd of a letter. 


Excused Absences – Of course, extenuating circumstances do happen.  If you anticipate missing class, notify me in advance, and I will judge whether or not your situation warrants exception.  As a matter of policy, for all situations verifiable, I will require verification.     


Late work:  In my experience, allowing late work allows a course’s components to de-synch and thereby become much less effective.  So, except in extenuating circumstances with prior notification, late work will not be accepted.  That extends to things being turned in at the beginning of class, not during class.  Note: “prior notification”“extenuating circumstance.”


Cheating:  Dishonesty fatally undermines the academic pursuit; therefore, it is my philosophy that the punishment for cheating should not simply erase its 'beneficial' effects, but be enough of a deterrent that the 'benefit' of cheating not be worth the risk.  For example, I prefer to fail from a course a student who has plagiarized.  According to the University Academic Honesty Policy, all instances of dishonesty are recorded by the Registrar’s office.


Grades:  For those of you choosing the Alpha/Numeric grade option, here’s the point break down.  For those of you choosing the Evaluation grade option, this should give you a general idea of the relative importance I assign to the different components of the course.


Discussion & Evidence of Preparation: 60%

                  Discussion Questions: 10%

                  Discussion Participation:  30%

                  Reading Quizzes: 20%


Writings: 25%

                  Reading Papers: 15% (5% for each of three papers)

                  Linkage Paper:  10%


Presentation: 3%


Homework: 12% (1.2% for each of ten homeworks)


Final Grade Assignments:  Final grades will be assigned according to the following: 


93     ≤   A   (4.0)     ≤  100%           73     ≤   C   (2.0)     <  76                        

90        ≤   A- (3.7)     <  93 ⅓            70         ≤   C- (1.7)     <  73 ⅓           

86 ⅔    ≤   B+  (3.3)     <  90                66     ≤   D+ (1.3)     <  70  

83      ≤   B   (3.0)     <  86 ⅔            63     ≤   D   (1.0)     <  66 ⅔           

80         ≤   B- (2.7)     <  83 ⅓            60         ≤   D- (0.7)     <  63 ⅓           

76 ⅔    ≤   C+ (2.3)     <  80                0           ≤   F    (0.0)     <  60