Data Entry

The following code creates a sample data frame that we will use in our examples.

  # Import the height and weight data
  htwt = read.csv("")
  # The Group variable is actually categorical and not numeric
  htwt$Group = factor(htwt$Group,levels=c(1,2),labels=c("Male","Female"))
##   Height Weight  Group
## 1     64    159   Male
## 2     63    155 Female
## 3     67    157 Female
## 4     60    125   Male
## 5     52    103 Female
## 6     58    122 Female

Esitmating Weight While Correcting for Height

It is fairly clear from graphing Weight as a function of Height that when modeling a person’s weight we should correct for height.

A linear model makes the correction fairly easy.

  xyplot(Weight~Height, data=htwt)

To fit the model Weight = beta.0 + beta.1 Height + error we can use the ``simple’’ equations given in class or we can use the function lm.

  r = cor(htwt$Weight,htwt$Height)
  b = r * sqrt(var(htwt$Weight))/sqrt(var(htwt$Height))
## [1] 5.041217
  a = mean(htwt$Weight) - b * mean(htwt$Height)
## [1] -173.4596
  htwt.lmw = lm(Weight ~ 1 + Height, data=htwt)
## Call:
## lm(formula = Weight ~ 1 + Height, data = htwt)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -10.6729  -5.4001  -0.6165   3.9014  14.3163 
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) -173.4596    12.2080  -14.21 3.18e-11 ***
## Height         5.0412     0.1949   25.87 1.09e-15 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 7.171 on 18 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.9738, Adjusted R-squared:  0.9723 
## F-statistic: 669.1 on 1 and 18 DF,  p-value: 1.09e-15
  print(c(a, b))
## [1] -173.459595    5.041217
## (Intercept)      Height 
## -173.459595    5.041217

The estimated reqression line is seen to be Weight = -173.4595952 + 5.0412173 Height.

The regression line can be plotted using standard R functions.

  # Using base R graphics
  plot(htwt$Height, htwt$Weight, xlab="Height", ylab="Weight")

  # Using lattice graphics
  xyplot(Weight ~ Height, data=htwt, type=c("p","r"))

  # Using ggplot2
  ggplot(data = htwt, aes(x = Height, y = Weight)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm", se=FALSE, color="maroon", formula = y ~ 1 + x) 

Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)

Albert likes to use the root mean squared error (RMSE) as a measure of the quality of the predictor. The model with the smaller RMSE has less error and therefore is a “better” predictor.

We need to find the predicted and residual values for our data. Remember that the residual is residual = observed - predicted.

  # Using definitions
  obsserved = htwt$Weight
  predicted = a + b * htwt$Height
  htwt.lmw.resid = obsserved - predicted
##  [1]   9.8216871  10.8629044  -7.3019648  -4.0134436  14.3162949   3.0689910
##  [7]  -7.8485744  -6.6837051   3.2034274 -10.6729207   0.4507313   1.1514256
## [13]   6.5331659  -3.2195302  -4.9722263  -4.9722263  -6.9310090   3.3575122
## [19]   5.5331659  -1.6837051
  # Using internal functions
##  [1]   9.8216871  10.8629044  -7.3019648  -4.0134436  14.3162949   3.0689910
##  [7]  -7.8485744  -6.6837051   3.2034274 -10.6729207   0.4507313   1.1514256
## [13]   6.5331659  -3.2195302  -4.9722263  -4.9722263  -6.9310090   3.3575122
## [19]   5.5331659  -1.6837051

The RMSE is literally the square root of the average of the squared errors.

   # Get the residuals
   res = residuals(htwt.lmw)
   # Square them
   res2 = res^2
   # Create one of Albert's tables
   tbl = cbind(height=htwt$Height, obs=htwt$Weight, pred=predict(htwt.lmw), res, res2)
   round(tbl, 4)
##    height obs     pred      res     res2
## 1      64 159 149.1783   9.8217  96.4655
## 2      63 155 144.1371  10.8629 118.0027
## 3      67 157 164.3020  -7.3020  53.3187
## 4      60 125 129.0134  -4.0134  16.1077
## 5      52 103  88.6837  14.3163 204.9563
## 6      58 122 118.9310   3.0690   9.4187
## 7      56 101 108.8486  -7.8486  61.6001
## 8      52  82  88.6837  -6.6837  44.6719
## 9      79 228 224.7966   3.2034  10.2619
## 10     76 199 209.6729 -10.6729 113.9112
## 11     73 195 194.5493   0.4507   0.2032
## 12     56 110 108.8486   1.1514   1.3258
## 13     71 191 184.4668   6.5332  42.6823
## 14     65 151 154.2195  -3.2195  10.3654
## 15     59 119 123.9722  -4.9722  24.7230
## 16     59 119 123.9722  -4.9722  24.7230
## 17     58 112 118.9310  -6.9310  48.0389
## 18     51  87  83.6425   3.3575  11.2729
## 19     71 190 184.4668   5.5332  30.6159
## 20     52  87  88.6837  -1.6837   2.8349
   # Compute the column (second dimension) sums
   tblsums = apply(tbl,2,sum)
   round(tblsums, 4) 
##    height       obs      pred       res      res2 
## 1242.0000 2792.0000 2792.0000    0.0000  925.5001
   # Divide by the number of observations to get column means
   tblmeans = tblsums/20
   round(tblmeans, 4)
##  height     obs    pred     res    res2 
##  62.100 139.600 139.600   0.000  46.275
   # Now take the square root of the mean of the squared resids to get the RMSE
##     res2 
## 6.802573
   # Or, create and use a function rmse
   rmse = function(lmmodel) {sqrt(mean(residuals(lmmodel)^2))}
## [1] 6.802573

The RMSE of the model of Weight based on Height is 6.8026. If we had another model of Weight based on a different variable, we could compare the two using RMSE. The model with a smaller RMSE would be preferred as it reduces the size of the errors.

Residual Analysis

When fitting a regression model, it is always a good idea to check the residuals to make certain that underlying model assumptions are satisfied. A first step is to plot the residuals against the explanatory variables.

  plot(htwt$Height, res, ylab="Residual")

Since no obvious patterns exist in the residuals, we can be fairly sure that we have not missed some non-linear pattern in the data. Since the vertical spread of the residuals seems to be the same across the x values, we can assume that the variability is constant.

  plot(1:length(res), res, ylab="Residual", xlab="Collection Order")

A lack of pattern in the residuals when plotted against the collection order indicates that we do not have a serial autocorrelation problem. That is, that there is not information in a previous observation about a subsequent observation.

Outliers can be detected using the z-scores for the residuals. These are known as the standardized residuals.

  plot(htwt$Height, (res-mean(res))/sqrt(var(res)), ylab="Standardized Residual")

The residual corresponding to a height of 52 inches appears to be a little large. We should probably check this observation to see if it is an outlier.

If the data were collected using random selection and we wish to test to see if the slope is different from zero, the residuals must be normally distributed.

  hist(res, xlab="Residual")

  qqline(res, lty=2)

Neither the histogram nor the normal quantile plot suggest any reason to question the normality of the residuals. Statistical testing appears to be valid in this situation.

R generates a number of plots automatically.
